Dwain Harley "CEO"
My fascination with computers began during my childhood years. As my fascination grew, so did my explorations, oftentimes beyond the average user limits. These many explorations and discoveries piqued my interest and I came to the realization that being an IT/Engineer was my main passion.
Over the years, the wealth of knowledge I acquired while perfecting my skill set in diverse areas of Technology, Engineering (audio & video) and IT, is why I am now positioned to offer world-class solutions.
JedEye Digital Ltd
JedEye Digital was founded in 2012. Since then, we have worked with many companies and homes across Jamaica. We offer a wide range of services which includes: IT consulting, Structured Network design and installation, Data Recovery, Data Protection Solution, Backup/Redundancy Solutions, Digital Build-out Solution (virtualization) and more...
We also posses an advance level of Audio & Video Integration skills acquired through years of commitment to the Media/Broadcast Industry, working with some of the largest suppliers: Ross, Sony, Grass Valley, Imagine Communication and Yamaha, just to name a few.
Our business model is unique with a diverse offering of technology based solutions.